Micro Hydle Power Project Policy Portal 2021 -2022
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Micro Hydle Power Project 2021.
Himachal Pradesh is a rich state as a “Hydro Power State In India “. Micro Hydle Power provide 24*7 power supply in state and surplus power sold to other states & UT,s on agreement with them. By installing the power projects they create revenue and employment in the state .Himachal Pradesh govt. framed a hydro power policy keeping in view of Electricity act 2003.During the preliminary stage it has seen by the govt. that many private power producers shown their interest in generation side.
But NOC to install the project from various agencies is the main hurdle.Forest clearance from the central govt. is main hurdle. State govt. take this matter with center govt. so many times and wants one time full / some relaxations on forest clearances cases.Most of the projects are pending for construction for want of forest clearance from central govt.
These projects fed power supply to the remote areas and generate revenue.By generating the power at remote locations and utilizing that power on nearby localities,with this distribution losses in the system reduced. Micro projects secure long term financial investments of state. They speed up the power developed in the state and boost up the generation. Quality power on demand , regular and reliable power on affordable rates to the people is the main motive of these projects.
During this kind of policy the H P Govt. also want to save the expenditure incurred on the people of tribal / remote areas in shape of saving the coal ,kerosene,fuel wood etc. which is supplied by the govt. on subsidies rates to the peoples living in these areas. Every year govt spent lot of its funds on subsides items supplied to the peoples on nearly 50 % rates. By the generation of power the forest resources can be saved in shape of fuel wood. In himachal energy is generated by hydro power projects which is a green energy.
अधिक ज़ानकारी के लिए : https://www.yojanaschemes.in/himachal-pradesh-medhaprotsahan-yojana/
Click here: https://nredcap.in/MiniHydel.aspx
Salient Feathers of Micro Hydle Power Policy:-
(i) Micro Hydle Power To make power sector a main revenue source of state.
(ii) To provide electricity & employment in the far flung areas of the state.
(iii) To provide and generate green energy(pollution free).
(iv) to provide 24*7 power supply to peoples on low rates.
Policy for Micro Hydle Power in Himachal Pradesh up to 100 KW:-
During the year 2008-09 a scheme has been set up to sanction the micro hydle projects ( up to capacity of 100 K W). These micro projects are mainly installed to meet the power and employment requirement of the state in far flung area of the state.
In addition to this Micro Hydle Power support the big projects of the state by supplying the power in far flung areas. Himurja is the nodal agency for micro hydle projects.
These projects only installed by himachal govt. / local bodies /co- operative socities /NGOs registered under the societies act of himachal pradesh. Only bonified himachali are eligible to install the project.
The motive of the installation should be development of power and state. Financial capability should not be less than ten lacks. ne member or society is eligible for one project ,however after the completion / commissioning of one project they are eligible for second project.
1.Site selection:-
- Micro Hydle Power sites selection work for the micro hydro projects are self identified. Nodal agency advertise the application for allotment purpose.
- 2. Cost of application form :-
- The cost of application form fixed Rs 2500/- (Rs two thousand five hundred only). This can be collected from Himurja office Shimla or may be downloaded from himurja site (www.himurja.nic.in ) and payment can be submitted through bank draft.
- 3.Royalty:-
- Royalty received from project paid to the local panchyat and local area fund is not applicable to the micro hydle projects.
- 4. Employment :-
- Developer shall ensure 70% of the total employment from bonified himachali.
- 5.Security deposit , Earnest money and Processing fees :-
- After the allotment of project the security deposit with each application ( Bank Guarantee) of Rs 4,00,000/- (Rs four lacks ) with validity of forty five months required to be deposit . Earnest money Rs 25,000/- ( twenty five thousand only) required in shape of demand draft.
- Application processing fees Rs 5,000/- (Rs five thousand ) required to pay at the time of application. All these payments required to made to the nodal officer.
- 6. Procedure of allotment :-
- On the prescribed format the developer should submit the application to the nodal agency .Representative of nodal agency and developer will make a joint visit and inspect the site. If the project found viable then recommendations forwarded to the govt. for allotment.
- 7. Clearances and no objection certificates:-
- H P govt. exempted micro hydle projects clearances from pollution control board , fisheries and public works departments. However the resolution of concerned gram sabha and pre- feasibility report which includes power potential, project layout, salient feathers, geology and component , cost estimate at the time of application.
- If forest land involved FCA clearance is also required.Minimum 70% plant load factor is required. Developer shall also ensure 15% water in down stream.
- 8.Financial Assistance :-
- The central finical assistance for MHP will be provided by ministry of new and renewal energy as per GOI policy. On the basis of technical viability where as the central finance assistance given through the state nodal agency. 10 % of total project cost will be wear by the developer. After releasing the first installment by the central finance authority the installation work must be started within a month time and the time for final commissioning is one and half year.
अंत में आपको बताना चाहता हू, की मेरे दवारा दी गई ज़ानकारी लाभदायक होगी .